The Bold Signs of the Dam

The Bold Signs of the Dam

To provide further context and respond to a few requests, I will share two photographs of the signs near this impressive new dam. These signs offer valuable information about the dam, its purpose, and other relevant details.These signs of the dam, with their detailed inscriptions, serve as informative guides, offering insights into the dam’s construction,…

Arkadi Bell

What Passing Bells . . .

What Passing Bells On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we shall remember them. It was at precisely eleven am on the eleventh of November in 1918 that the armistice was signed and the war to end all wars was finally over. Then in 1939, a bigger war that had…

Raindrops and Roses

Raindrops and Roses

The Rains Have Come Well, the rains have now come to northern Crete certainly. Although there were some hailstones falling in Iraklion, here in northwest Crete we have had just the Gentle Raindrops that always come every autumn. I love it when the rain comes. The earth that summer baked hard is now soft and…

Preveli Bay

Preveli Bay

My wife decided, as she often does, that we should go to Preveli Bay. It has a good beach and palm trees, we had heard. I had also heard that there was a road that now went close to Preveli which started right by the taverna beside the pond and the beautiful old Venetian bridge…