More Spring Splendour

More Spring Splendour

I guess that you all know by now that the Island of Crete has a huge number of wildflowers. Many are found only in Crete. It is in the springtime that these flowers mostly burst out into their individual beauty. And that is when I’m on the prowl with my trusty camera. These pictures were…

Carnival Day

Carnival Day

Tomorrow is clean Monday, the first day of Lent, and the day that all Greeks go and fly a kite on the beach or a high hill. But today, today was Carnival Day. Here are some pictures of our local carnival in the town of Kalives, Hania. These are a few of the well-dressed locals…

Joni Mitchel

Matala and Joni Mitchell.

For all those of you who responded to my last posting, here are the words of Joni Mitchell herself regarding Matala in Crete and the song ‘Carey’. It appears that Joni was in Matala, Crete around 1970/72 – five years after 1966 when I went there and it seems that it had developed a bit…

Cold Snap, It  Really Was

Cold Snap, It Really Was

I was very pleased to get our olive harvest in and pressed when I did because this last Cold Snap just beggar’s belief. This morning the cat’s water that we leave outside was frozen solid. Two inches of ice in a place where we never hardly ever approach zero centigrade never mind get to minus…

The Labyrinth of Crete

The Labyrinth of Crete

The Labyrinth of Crete is situated around 3 km northeast of the archaeological site of Gortys in central Crete. It is an underground quarry in marly limestone, excavated probably during the Roman Period. It was first described and mapped in the 18th and 19th centuries. More detailed descriptions have been published recently. Below is the…

Old Pictures of Crete

Old Pictures of Crete

I was asked recently by someone to post some of my old pictures of Crete. Well, this meant digging them out if I could, and I have lost most of them over the years. Then it meant scanning them and trying to present them at their best and the truth is that there are not…