Sweet Chestnuts

Sweet Chestnuts

Today is the nutty season in Crete. Perhaps we are all nuts for living on such a beautiful island, but I would live nowhere else. But now nuts are the thing. The lovely chestnut trees are disgorging their wonderful nut for us all to pick up. The nuts are wonderful. They appear in October just…

Milking Sheep for St George

Milking Sheep for St George

On Saint George’s day in the village of Asigonia in Crete, the shepherds bring all of the herds down from the mountains to have them milked. Shepherds milking sheep From the other side, it looks just like this: Five sheep at a time Then, of course, the milk has to be pasteurised: Pasteurisation Then the…

Kazantzakis – the grave

Kazantzakis – the grave

Nikos Kazantzakis was probably the greatest author to be born on the island of Crete. His books included Zorba the Greek to Freedom or Death. His book, The Last Temptation, was banned by the Pope and his writings in general led to his being excommunicated by the Greek Orthodox Church.  He thus could not be…

Kalamaki Sunset

Kalamaki Sunset

Kalamaki, a village just north of Matala on the Messara coastline of Crete is a place that we have known for many years. Just over twenty years ago we, my wife and I, were there visiting one of the two very small tavernas that were on the beach. There were a few other buildings, but…

incredible jalopies

The Incredible Jalopies

Here in Crete, we have a relatively large collection of incredible jalopies – most still on the road. Some of them go back forty years and consist basically of a rotovator without the blades with a seat and trailer on the back. Later they joined the front engine to the trailer and then we had,…