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Chania – The Wonderful Area of Western Crete

The City and the countryside of the Province Of Chania, Crete.

Chania Area
Province of Chania

I am writing my blog today to share with the world, the place where I live.

I live and will probably die here in the Province of Chania, perhaps Crete’s finest part. This province lies in the west of Crete and is arguably the most beautiful. It also has a mild Mediterranean climate between the heat of the summer beaches to the snowbound mountain villages of the high mountains, the Lefka Hori (the white mountains) The beaches are supremely magnificent and the countryside is spectacular.

The Cretans who live here have been through invasion and other disasters but keep their indomitable spirit and fine cuisine.

It is a special place and if you have an hour or so to spare you can watch this beautiful film. It is in English and tells the tale well. From the Englishman on holiday to the Athenian girl who needs some peace.

I hope you enjoy the film.

Map of Chania Nomos or Region

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